
Polk Times

Saturday, March 8, 2025

CITRUS RIDGE A. CIVICS ACADEMY: District registered nurses will be teaching reproductive health lessons at Citrus Ridge

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Citrus Ridge A. Civics Academy issued the following announcement on Jan. 22. 

Dear families:District registered nurses will be teaching reproductive health lessons at Citrus Ridge on the dates listed below:8th grade: 1/30-2/36th grade: 2/13-2/167th grade: 3/28 and 3/29

As a reminder, all parents and guardians can opt their children out of the entire curriculum or specific lessons.

Lesson content can be viewed and a paper opt-out form can be accessed and downloaded at polkschoolsfl.com/humangrowthanddevelopment/.

A paper opt-out form was also sent home with your student on Friday, January 20, 2023. In addition, an online opt-out form is available on your Parent Portal.

If you choose to opt your child out of any portion of the lessons, please complete the opt-out form online or return the completed paper opt-out form to your student’s 1st period teacher no later than:8th grade: January 27th6th grade: February 10th7th grade: March 24th

Students whose parents choose to opt out will have alternative lessons provided in a separate environment and will not be penalized in any way for opting out of the reproductive health lessons.

Original source can be found here.