
Polk Times

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Florida U.S. Rep C. Scott Franklin: "Subscribe to my newsletter, the Ready Room, to learn the answer in next week's edition. franklin.house.gov/contact/newsle"..."


C. Scott Franklin tweeted the following:

"Subscribe to my newsletter, the Ready Room, to learn the answer in next week's edition. franklin.house.gov/contact/newsle"
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Here are other recent tweets from C. Scott Franklin:

"It's time for #CivicsWithScott!
The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15th of what year?"
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"It's time for #CivicsWithScott!
Which state was the first to adopt the Constitution in December 1787?" on Dec. 9
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"Thats why I led a letter with @RepDarrenSoto requesting disaster relief for our hardworking and resilient citrus growers. Read more below:
franklin.house.gov/media/press-re" on Dec. 9
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